Sunday, December 13, 2009
Christmas Ornaments
Saturday, November 14, 2009

This is his niece Crystal. Doesn't she look like Kareli??
Friday, November 13, 2009
Kayin loves 'helping' her ride
Friday, September 25, 2009
I'm Back!
Okay, so last night a skunk was raiding our garbage, but Mickey thought it was a dog and flipped the light on to run out and scare it. . . Skunks don't like to be scared. . . . Luckily Mickey didn't get sprayed or he would have slept outside. Unfortunately, that whole side of our porch (next to our bedroom) did. Blech! To chase it off Mickey threw one of my (yes, MY) nice tennis shoes at it; I haven't retrieved it yet to see/smell the damgage. Not really looking forward to it either. :-) Kareli had a bad (and I mean BAD) poopy diaper not long after that, so we stuck it outside to have a stink war with the skunk. I'm not sure who will win, but I don't think I'll go out there to find out for quite awhile.
Kayin is in Preschool two days a week now and absolutely loves it. He keeps cutting papers up to give to his teacher, saying "here, I made this for you because I love you!" She posted it on the bulletin board and showed me when I got there. I'm really enjoying the quiet time with Kareli, which I haven't really had before, and she loves the extra attention. She doesn't crawl yet, but gets around really well scooting on her bum, always with one leg extended in front and one behind her. She sits up herself if laid down and is getting good at pulling herself up. And we haven't found ANYTHING that she won't eat yet. We've already had to put her in Kayin's bigger convertible car seat. She's growing so fast!
Kayin got in trouble the other day for waking Kareli up while driving to Tri-cities, and said "You ruined my life!" Can you believe I'm already hearing that? Poor kid, only 3 and such a long, ruined life to live still. . . . I'm such a terrible mom! ;-) I have no idea where he heard that phrase; luckily he forgot about it 5 minutes later. Of course.
We had a hotdog cookout by the pond here, just for fun. Kayin was REALLY keeping his eyes on his hot dog; we couldn't get him to look at us for more than a split second. :-)
Chuck learned to jump out of the play pen I made him, so Mickey jokingly suggested getting him a leash. You can't suggest something that fun to me and not expect me to do it! It worked out surprisingly well; Chuck took right to it!
Everyone up to keep me company! I knew people love me! Luckily Adam got to hang out for a couple days before running off to have fun with the guys in Alaska, but the other guys missed out on a fun couple weeks.
Man we have cute boys! (Again, can Kayin pose or what?)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Chucky Bun Bun!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Kareli's First Dinner
Till then, here are some other pictures, just because I like them. :-)
Last week we went up to Tri-cities to spend the night, since I had a doctor's appointment early the next morning. In the morning we had just gotten on the freeway were only minutes away from the doctor's office when our transmission gave out. :( Luckily we were right next to a Petsmart, so wonderful Mickey stayed to wait for the towtruck, while the kids and I hung out for two hours looking at animals, over, and over, and over, and over again. :) It kept us entertained at least. Of course, you know me, so now I want a $300 bird, several rats, a chinchilla, baby ferrets, and snakes. Mickey said no, for some reason. :( Never leave me in a pet shop! So Mickey got the car towed, then had to get a cab to go rent a car, which we still have because the car is STILL getting fixed (it's been a week). This was one expensive trip. And I never made it to my appointment! :) We had fun though. What a blessing that it didn't go out on the way home, in the middle of nowhere. Can you imagine that with two kids? Ahhh! Besides, this way we had the fun of shocking the neighbors by showing up in a brand new PT Cruiser, with only 300 miles on it when we got it (the only one the rental agency had that could fit us). They came out cheering for us. :) It was really funny. We're going to try to squeeze a couple more years out of our Blazer though, then we'll upgrade to a van. We'll see how it goes. This reminded me of Travis' story though; we debated on just scrapping it then and there and getting a new van instead of renting a car. We're still paying on it though, so we'd like to be done with that BEFORE getting a new loan. I know, we're nuts. :) Loans are good, right?? Free money! Anyway, it was actually a really fun trip. Thank goodness for positive attitudes all the way around. Oh, the only problem I have now is that Mickey was proven right; isn't that annoying? I'd been insisting I could make this trip alone with the kids so he wouldn't have to miss work, or that I could leave the kids with him and just run straight up and back, because nothing EVER happens, right? But he'd insisted on coming, no way would he let me go alone, you never know what could happen. And of course he was right! He'll never let me live it down. :-) Thank goodness he was there! Can you imagine me alone with 2 kids, waiting on the freeway for a towtruck? Ahh! So it all turned out well, we had fun, and it's a nice memory. And I got to go to a pet store! Yay! Love you all!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Bye bye Hair!
Here's a short video of our kids. They're getting big so fast! Kareli's 4 months olds and getting close to 15 pounds now, and is in size 3 diapers. Kayin's 3 years old and in 4's! She's going to pass him soon, poor boy. :-) He still loves her though; they're very cute together. :-)