For those poor souls out there who have yet to watch my children, here are a couple videos so you can see how big they're getting (Kareli is growing so fast! She'll pass Kayin in no time, poor boy.) :-) Unlike Kayin when he was little, she almost never takes a binki but she loves to suck on my finger. At least we won't have to wean her off of it later.
Kareli is just starting to smile which I love, and Kayin is solidly into the "Why?" stage, which I'm not quite as fond of. He also loves reading and having us make up songs around whatever theme he picks (sing the Boogaloo food song! --no, I have no idea what a boogaloo is, but it's his favorite food right now and he asks for it every meal. Luckily, since we don't know what it is, EVERYTHING can be boogaloo!)
We're keeping busy here... Mickey is probably going to be deployed in 2010, so they've started dragging him away for two weeks of training every month; Yuck! Luckily Kayin is a great helper with Kareli, so we're surviving. I have lots of projects around the house, so there's always something to do. I just finished building an easel for Kayin which was a lot of fun, and I'm still slowly cleaning off the porches. I almost have our boxes unpacked! Yay!

We have lots of snow here, and the entire driveway is covered in ice... it's a death trap when walking. Havilah (the youngest Strommer girl) took Kayin on his first sled ride up and down the driveway. He was so excited! He also loves to help shovel snow for us and can work on it for ages before I make him come in to warm up.

So all in all, we're really enjoying living here now. There's lots to do to keep busy and I love the extra space. I can't wait for warmer weather so I can really work on the porches. There's always something to look forward to. :-)