Sunday, May 3, 2009

Bye bye Hair!

Well, I did it again. After losing a few handfuls of hair to grabby little fists, I decided to chop my hair short once more. The extra incentive of donating to Locks of Love had me cut it shorter that I would have, but I really like it. Mickey loves it. :-) Yay! (Plus, all the waviness came back) What do you think? (14 inches off!)

Here's a short video of our kids. They're getting big so fast! Kareli's 4 months olds and getting close to 15 pounds now, and is in size 3 diapers. Kayin's 3 years old and in 4's! She's going to pass him soon, poor boy. :-) He still loves her though; they're very cute together. :-)