We came home from Texas to a freezing house because the gas had run out. The company refused to send anyone out indefinately so wonderful Troy and Nathalia let us camp at their house for 3 day. When we finally got home we relaxed for maybe an hour and then Kareli started throwing up. Poor sweetie brought home a nasty case of stomach flu and was throwing up for 2 days. She looked so miserable. :(
Kayin was very good about being quiet whenever she fell asleep next to him. Thank goodness it didn't last any longer and we could finally adjust to being home!
Kayin made a "Kayin Boy" on the fridge out of magnet and a picture of himself. :)
Feeling better, just taking the baby for a walk in the rain :)
JoJo got so big while we were gone! Thank you for taking such good care of him for us Nathalia!
A nice guy in Bi-Mart offered us this box when we mentioned it'd make a good fort. It was a fort, hospital, ambulance, art studio, transformer, and a lot of toher things. :)
Fun with Dry Ice.... bwaa ha ha ha ha!!! It turns everyone into a mad scientist
Kareli ADORES the V-Reader that Kayin got for his birthday; she uses it more than he does! Luckily he's very generious and doesn't mind sharing
Daddy's home!!! He snuck into the hotel at midnight to surprise the kids in the morning. It worked beautifully. :) Those were some happy kiddos!
Daddy took us to his base in Idaho to show us all the cool planes and tanks they had on display
It was neat to get so close to everything
Daddy taking the kids to the beach. :) Apparently it was too hot so they needed some shade...
They sure loved having their daddy home. Me too. :)
Building the kits we saved from Texas; we made treasure box houses and race cars
Daddy finally got his INS mess straightened out!! It only took 10 years and heaven only knows how much money, but it's finally finally finally done!! Hooray!
They were very nice there and let us bring the kids in to watch.
They even gave us flags!
Aww, cute kids
It's so hard to say goodbye again...

Yeah, we share everything.... :) Even potty time. These two love being together.
Happy Easter!
After the hunt they had a little rodeo and Kayin lassooed a fake cow, chased a chicken, stick raced, and rode a real sheep! It was a blast!
We also hunted eggs at Nathalia's house, which actually turned out to be more exciting than the city one because they actually had to hunt for everything. :)

Our new pets! Ahh, they're so cute! We have 8 chicks and...
2 rats and.....
25 little surprises!! And Momma is in heaven!!! Poor Mickey, the things he's going to come home to...

At the airport, time for daddy to leave :(
The kids loved watching the airplane get ready
Love you Daddy...
It was a long, draining day. Luckily Daddy's half way through!
Rock On!! We're so cool!
Yeah, we share everything.... :) Even potty time. These two love being together.

Kayin was brave and hunted eggs with a nice stranger so I could take Kareli to the 2 year old section. What a big boy!
She wasn't too fond of rushing... it was more "pick up, examine, take to mommy, wander around for another, pick up, examine, take to mommy...." But at least she had fun!
Someone learned how to climb trees!
We also learned to not stand in the ashes of a fire. Yeah, that's a rock completely melted into his shoe. Luckily it wasn't quite big enough to go all the way through into his foot.
Yeah, I'm corrupting them at an early age...
Getting their pigments... now they're not such wiggly worms :)
Their eyes have opened! Dang their cute!
Kayin has serious hearing loss in his right ear (we think from falling hard off his bed, right onto his head) so he has lots of doctor appointments right now. We just got his CT scan done, and he was super brave. It took about a half hour to convince him to lay on the bed and go through the machine, but when he did he laid so still that it only took one picture. :) I was very proud of him. The lady was very patient and proud of him too, so she gave him lots of stickers and made us a copy of his scan! How cool is that?!? We now have a full-sized, official X-ray, when I was only hoping for an outline printed onto paper, and it was free! Hooray! Maybe he can take it for show-and-tell when he starts kindergarten. :)
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